Business Cloud
Free Domain Name |
6GB Memory |
6 Core CPU |
Unmetered Bandwidth |
FREE Private SSL & IP |
TSH per YR
Free Domain Name |
6GB Memory |
6 Core CPU |
Unmetered Bandwidth |
FREE Private SSL & IP |
TSH per YR
Your page will load faster from the cloud due to an optimal caching configuration, custom-built for speed!
Manage and track your site's performance, gather information, and keep an eye on all your important metrics.
Monitor and allocate additional resources easily. You have total control over your usage, with no surprises.
If a hardware issue arises, your site is automatically switched to another server.
Cloud hosting automatically distributes three mirrored copies of your data across multiple devices to ensure safety and redundancy.
Create new email accounts, manage subdomains, and so much more, all with the click of a button.