SSL Certificates to Meet Any Need

Create online trust by providing privacy and security for your website visitors.

Why get an SSL certificate?

SSL certificates serve as the backbone of internet security.
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates, are used to establish an encrypted connection between a browser or user's computer and a server or website.

The SSL connection protects sensitive data, such as credit card information, exchanged during each visit, which is called a session, from being intercepted from non-authorized parties.

An SSL reduces your risk by keeping sensitive data collected on your website safe. The data is encrypted and backed by a warranty worth up to $1.75M.

Having HTTPS in the address bar and displaying a seal of trust increases customer confidence in your website and drives more sales

Perfect for businesses, organizations and blogs where identity information needs to be protected, this SSL provides basic encryption shown by the "https" in the address bar and its worthy $10,000 warranty.

Boost Your Google Rankings

Good news. Google says that SSL security has a positive effect on its rankings:

"We're starting to use HTTPS as a ranking signal... for sites (that) use secure, encrypted connections (and) we've seen positive results." -- Google Online Security Blog

Seal Of Trust

Every SSL certificates comes with a seal of trust a graphic representation that the site and user data is protected. Most web users know to look for a site seal, so it's important to have one. Seals vary in appearance to reflect the differences between certs.

Backed By Warranty

We got your back. All SSL certificates come with at least $10,000 warranties and go up to $1.75M depending on the SSL certificate chosen.

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